There's a doin's a-transpiring!

AKA Nothing to see here. AKA There's a doin's a-transpiring.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Papa Giovanni Paolo II.............arrivederci.


Some time last year, or maybe it was the year before, we all mourned the loss of a great pope, maybe the bestest pope ever. John Paul II. Or Papa Giovanni Paolo as his mates called him.
But he was actually born Karol Jozef Wojtyla coz he must of been a jew or somthing.

Myself and others celebrated his life and his demise with a heartfelt public display of affection and whimsical apathy by collaberating on a large colourful banner that summed up the spirit of our nation and the crippling sadness that ripped into each and every one of our souls, munching up the last crumbs of humanity that dwelled somwhere in our nether regions, we produced a timless piece of iconic memoria . A effortless trumph of expression, as simplistic as it was easy to do..........

Above the word PENIS, is the banner that exclaims "CIAO PAOLO!" (Cannot be seen due to windy conditions).

A spokesman for the pope would of said "John would of been well chuffed with that"
And chuffed he was.


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