There's a doin's a-transpiring!

AKA Nothing to see here. AKA There's a doin's a-transpiring.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Stupid looking oldman comedian and child 'entertainer' Ken Dodd has amazingly issued a FATWA on unpopular rival ugly comedian Ronnie Corbett.

Although not a Muslim, Ken Dodd launched into a triade of abuse against Corbett live on stage at Blackpool, where he had just finished his celebrated "Eating a dog" skit.
He shocked his mostly gay and lesbian kids audience with a 10 minute rant about how Corbett has "had it coming for years" and repeating "he has a really stabbable face hasnt he. He has hasnt he".

Immedietly after the show Dodd's manager, Sebastian Phlemjoy, issued a statement outlining Ken Dodds plan to hunt down and mash up Corbett to appease the recent wave of negative feelings Corbetts face has attracted.
Ken Dodd has also re-released his 1931 best selling album "Blood Lust" to generate enough money for him to carry out his homicidle dream which he hopes to turn into a BBC sitcom entitled "Killing Corbetts muthafuckin ass".

Public reaction has been split, with most screaming indifference. Others were unable to answer due to either not being asked or busy eating things.
Ronnie Corbett has not responded to the threat, prefering to gorge himself on sponge cake in a cupboard he has been hiding in ever since being called a "fucking chief" by Sidney Poitier back in July.


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