There's a doin's a-transpiring!

AKA Nothing to see here. AKA There's a doin's a-transpiring.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Vorderman Causes Muslim Outrage

Countdown cleverclogs and aging MILF-type Carol Vorderman has been caught out for the second time in a week making anti-Islamic statements with her fancy conundrum letters board.
On Tuesday the apparently random chioce of letters spelt out "POO ISLAM", which she claimed was a hilarious yet freak accident.

Yet only a few days later Carol yet again was pictured sexily smiling with glee at another even more offensive anti-muslim conundrum. This time the letters formed the shocking "Allah Is Gay"(yet to be disproven).

Although the audience became giddy with hysterics, Muslim extremists inevitably took to the streets with oversized banners emblazened with vulgar 'pigeon English' slogans, crudely expressing their disgust and lack of humor.

Many of the noisy and cheesed off hate mob stated that Voderman was a slut who was in league with the Devil and although looking quite horny at times, was a dirty Jew-lover and the undisputed champion queen of shit eating.
They also venomously spat out their beliefs that the Countdown conundrum was evil and all word association games or anagrams, crosswords, Scrabble, dictionaries, people who owned a thesaurus, and librarians were also products of Satan and deserved to be burnt to a bloody pile of stinking crap. Some banners were left blank in a very silly protest against the use letters in general.

Snooty smart arse Carol defiantly spoke up at her latest pointless photoshoot, in which she mockingly posed in a net made out of bacon grissle, saying she couldnt give two shits what people thought of her and admitted to not really being a big fan of Muslims, strongly suggesting that she was indeed a dirty Jew-lover and rather proud of it.

The extremists have since been side-tracked chasing a cloud which resembled Mohammed having a shave .