There's a doin's a-transpiring!

AKA Nothing to see here. AKA There's a doin's a-transpiring.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The involvment of fists.

"....Id like to stuff that bitch with fistfuls of cotton in a field full of slaves"

Donald Trump interviews potential future employees by sodomising them with a fistful of gold coins. He calls it 'Piggy banking'.

It was discovered during the the autopsy that boxer Fisty McBone had an extra ten knuckles on his right hand. Illegal knuckle growing was banned back in the 40's when Arthur 'the Californian Cabbage' Pillowtithands grew an estimated three hundred knuckles all over his body and murdered a gentle loving nun for her habit in the hopes he could wear it during the fight and cover his grotesquely disfigured limbs.

An old Nordic phrase when mistranslated into English says "A fistful of ice drips into hell like a sparrow farting bees".


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